Cobra Wires and Cables - Extra Flexible Marine Boat Wiring Cable
A1016T-XX / A1014T-XX
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• This product was designed to meet the requirements of Underwriters Laboratories.
• It can be used as internal wiring of electrical and electronic equipment, internal wiring of panels and meters, point to point, etc.
• Stranding is tin-coated copper for corrosion resistance.
• Insulation: This product offers a unique flame retardant polyvinyl chloride compound (VW-1), and is moisture, abrasion, acid, diesel fuel, and oil resistant. It is extremely flexible and easy to work with.
• Stranding: Class K Tinned Copper
• Standard: UL 1015-1230
• Voltage: 600 Volts
• Temperature: 105°C Dry, 75°C Wet BOAT WIRING CABLE